賽馬會共融 ‧ 知行計劃

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賽馬會共融 ‧ 知行計劃
流動應用程式「資源配對點 InMatch」已經上架 “InMatch”a mobile application promoting inclusive society is now available
流動應用程式「資源配對點 InMatch」已經上架 “InMatch”a mobile application promoting inclusive society is now available


    19 Aug, 04:26 pm

流動應用程式「資源配對點 InMatch」已經上架 “InMatch”a mobile application promoting inclusive society is now available

「拉動社會資源」是香港大學公民社會與治理研究中心負責的「聚創樂融計劃」中,其中一項核心工作。計劃一直致力為不同界別的社區人士營造有利環境,促使他們為共融就業作出貢獻。而手機應用程式 ” InMatch” 正是一個為不同持份者而設的資源配對平台。 Organized by the Centre for Civil Society and Governance at The University of Hong Kong, the Inclusive Career Platform of the Jockey Club Collaborative Project for Inclusive Employment strives to foster a conducive environment for different sectors and communities of interests to contribute to inclusive employment. The project team has recently launched a mobile application “InMatch” to facilitate more effective allocation of community resources.

立即下載流動應用程式「資源配對點 InMatch」共享資源 齊撐共融!

你可以透過「資源配對點 InMatch」…
On this resource-matching platform, you could…

1) 發表創新共融點子或活動.尋找合適資源
Publish innovative inclusive project ideas or activities; and seek suitable resources

機構、組織、學校,甚至任何關注社會共融議題的社區人士可於「資源配對點」上載即將舉辦或正計劃的社會共融項目/活動,尋找所需要的資源 (例如場地、人手、資金、宣傳平台、義工、顧問、物資贊助等)。
Corporates, NGOs, schools and all other community members are encouraged to upload their inclusive ideas or solutions to InMatch and seek suitable resources, such as venue, manpower, capital, promotion channels, volunteers, consultancy or even sponsorship.

2) 提供資源支援共融項目
Provide resources to support inclusive projects

All aspiring persons are encouraged to share resources and support inclusive projects for achieving a sustainable and inclusive society.

3) 發佈及瀏覽最新共融活動
Announce and browse the latest inclusive activities and information

Inclusive activities in different forms and information supporting people with disabilities or special learning needs are all welcome on this platform, gathering passionate companions from all walks of life.


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