賽馬會共融 ‧ 知行計劃

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賽馬會共融 ‧ 知行計劃


    17 Feb, 08:59 pm




Please scroll down for English version



香港目前面對人才及勞動力短缺,僱主及業界關注本地開拓及補充人才方案,如能知人善任,公司既可有「才」可用,殘疾人士也可得到工作,發揮所長,達至雙贏互惠。「環境、社會及管治」(ESG) 在市場日益受到重視,是衡量企業經營績效及韌性發展的重要指標。業界可透過建構平等、多元共融職場文化,創造社會價值及拓展對社會效益實踐方案的想像。

香港大學公民社會與治理研究中心推出「學職兼融 — 商校合作嘉許計劃」,旨在為商企和主流學校提供平台,匯集資源、知識和技能,讓企業了解多元人才如何為業務經營帶來價值,教育界也能更了解就業市場趨勢。


● 商界企業代表:企業傳訊及永續發展部門、人力資源管理部門、有志於履行社會責任之人員等

● 主流中學代表:專責生涯規劃及特殊教育需要支援之教師


● 知識薈萃分享會:理解始於知識儲備。分享會將邀請不同界別的專家及經驗人士,分享其共融就業的專業知識及實踐智慧,協助參加者多角度認識殘疾人士的可塑性及商校協作模式的效益。

● 機構參觀:參加者將到訪職訓機構及實踐共融就業之商戶企業,了解殘疾人士員工的最新培訓內容及工作實況,機構及企業嘉賓亦將分享他們與殘疾人士共事的日常點滴及務實貼士。

● 互動體驗工作坊:由非政府機構及社企所培訓及聘用的殘疾人士主持的工作坊,參加者可藉着當中不同類型活動的互動過程認識和體驗殘疾人士的多元才能,增加彼此的溝通和了解。




如有任何疑問,歡迎電郵至 jcicp@hku.hk 與計劃團隊聯絡。齊來建構一個永續及共融的社會!謝謝。

Despite the significant number of people with disabilities (PWD) in Hong Kong, their needs and well-being are often neglected. However, PWD are entitled to respect, recognition, possibilities, and diversified lifestyles like everyone else.

Career planning is a continuous and life-long process. Under the principle of integrated education, most special educational needs (SEN) students enroll in mainstream schools. They receive the same career planning service as non-SEN students despite the likelihood of needing an individualised educational plan. Recognising SEN students’ possible diverse career paths, educators are encouraged to scout the job market to provide suitable career planning for SEN students to unleash their employment potential after leaving school.

Hong Kong is currently facing a shortage of talent and labour, and employers and industries are eager to come up with plans to fill job vacancies or nurture local talent. If companies can locate the talent pool in PWD, they will arrive at a win-win situation whereby they can now tackle labour shortage while PWD will have gainful employment. Moreover, riding on the increasingly popular tide of "Environment, Social and Governance" (ESG) as an indicator of corporate performance and resilience, nourishing an equal and diverse inclusive workplace culture can help the industry create social value and expand the imagination of social impact solutions.

The Centre for Civil Society and Governance at The University of Hong Kong is launching the "Inclusive Education & Employment – Business & School Partnership Award Scheme,” a platform that combines resources, knowledge, and skills for representatives from the business sector and mainstream schools. It aims to facilitate the corporates to understand how diverse talents can bring value to business operations and for the education sector to know more about the job market trends.


Target Audience

● From the business sector: corporate communications and sustainability, human resources, and people committed to fulfilling social responsibility.

● From mainstream secondary schools: teachers responsible for life planning education and SEN supports.

Main Content

● Knowledge Exchange Sessions: Knowledge is the basis for empathy. In these sessions, experts and experienced practitioners from different sectors will be invited to share their professional knowledge and wisdom in practising inclusive employment. You will learn more about the malleability of PWD and the benefits of business and school partnerships from multiple perspectives.

● Organization Visits: Visits to PWD vocational training institutions and corporates that practice inclusive employment will be arranged. The visits will enhance participants’ understanding of PWD’s latest training curriculum and they will receive practical tips on working with PWD.

● Interactive Experiential Workshops: Workshops will be hosted by PWD trained and employed by non-governmental organisations and social enterprises. Participants can interact with these diverse talents through different forms of activities, enhancing communication and understanding between you and PWD.


All activities will be conducted in Cantonese, are free of charge, and run on a first-come-first-served basis.

For registration, please fill in the Application Form.

For more information, please refer to the Programme Guide.

If you have any questions about the Scheme, please contact us at jcicp@hku.hk. Let’s achieve a sustainable and inclusive society together! Thank you.

Please scroll down for English version


一場疫情令不少香港人面對前所未有的就業困境,殘疾人士更是首當其衝。根據麥肯錫全球研究所進行的一項研究預計,2030 年全球將有多達 8 億人失業,其工作將在科技時代下被機器自動化所取代。與此同時,社會廣泛使用數碼科技造就了新工種及工作模式,彈性工時及遙距工作成為新興的就業趨勢。這些工作環境對殘疾人士是危是機?






時間:下午2時30分 – 5時正 





主題演講(1):  鼓勵因時制宜 締造共融社會

劉健華博士 MH, JP(香港中小企發展學會會長)


主題演講(2): 開闢創科可能 建立共融文化

查毅超博士 BBS, JP(香港科技園公司主席)


主題演講(3): 掌握就業趨勢 推動職訓轉型



專題討論 – 新世代的機遇:推動共融就業的策略 



謝小江先生(萬碧發展有限公司 創辦人及營運總監、香港零售科技商會榮譽主席)

廖澤恆先生(Green Tomato Limited項目專員)







查詢︰3917 4762 陳小姐 / 3910 2462 張小姐



Symposium on Seizing Opportunities for Inclusive Employment in a Time of Change

The pandemic has disproportionately affected many who have historically faced significant barriers to employment, including people with disabilities (PWD). According to a study conducted by McKinsey Global Institute, up to 800 million global workers will lose their jobs by 2030 and be replaced by robotic automation in the age of science and technology. The ever-expanding use of digital technology implies new job types and work modes. Are these emerging work environments a risk or an opportunity for PWD?


A symposium themed “Seizing Opportunities for Inclusive Employment in a Time of Change” will bring together experts and stakeholders to discuss the work and opportunities it presents to PWD. It also aspires to devise effective strategies for promoting inclusive employment in the new era to unleash PWD’s talents, increase workforce diversity, and raise productivity.


Date:          18 November 2022 (Friday)  

Time:         2:30 – 5:00 pm 

Venue:       Multi-Purpose Area, Level 2, Main Library, HKU* 

Language: Cantonese, supplemented with sign language  

Online registration will be closed at 12 noon, 17 November 2022 (Thursday).


Keynote Speech (1): Challenges and Opportunities for Inclusive Employment in the Age of Technology

Dr Kevin LAU, MH, JP

President, Hong Kong Small and Medium Enterprises Development Institute


Keynote Speech (2): Exploring New Possibilities of Innovation and Technology for Cultivating Social Inclusion

Dr Sunny CHAI, BBS, JP

Chairman, Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation


Keynote Speech (3): Grasping the Market Demand to Rediscover the Opportunities of Vocational Training

Dr Hon Stephen WONG Yuen-shan

Senior Vice President & Executive Director of Public Policy Institute, Our Hong Kong Foundation; Member, Legislative Council



Panel Discussion: Opportunities in a New Era - Strategy for Promoting Inclusive Employment


Ms Honnus CHEUNG (Co-Founder & Chief Strategy Officer, Mojodomo Group) 

Mr Nelson TSE (Founder & Sales and Marketing Director, Million Tech Development Limited; Honorary Chairman, Hong Kong Retail Technology Industry Association ) 

Mr Duncan LIU (Project Specialist, Green Tomato Limited)



Professor Wai-Fung LAM  (Director, Centre for Civil Society and Governance, HKU)


Register Now


Contact:    3917 4762 Ms Karen Chan / 3910 2462 Ms Jacqueline Cheung

*Due to pandemic measures, there will be a limited capacity at the venue. Seats will be allocated through advance booking on a first-come-first-served basis.


重構共融就業願景研討會系列 2022


「賽馬會共融・知行計劃 - 聚創樂融計劃」將於2022年9月,透過一系列主題式研討會,邀請不同持份者及嘉賓講者討論及重構香港社會共融及共融就業願景。



·      啟導同行︰ 職涯教練如何引領殘疾人士

·      媒體力量︰推廣共融就業訊息及定位策略

·      消除誤解︰主流教育如何影響社會共融

·      優化專業︰支援推動共融就業前線同工的需要






Revisioning Inclusive Employment Seminar Series 2022


Jockey Club Collaborative Project for Inclusive Employment hopes to invite different stakeholders and guest speakers to discuss and revision social inclusion and inclusive employment of Hong Kong through a series of thematic seminars to be organized in September 2022.


The content includes:

·      Inspiring Peers: How Career Coaches Guide People with Disabilities

·      Power of Media: Promoting Inclusive Employment and its Strategies

·      Dispelling Misconceptions: How Mainstream Education Impacts Social Inclusion

·      Advancing Professionalism: Supporting the Needs of Frontline Staff in Facilitating Inclusive Employment




Register Now





主題: 推動智障人士就業 
對象: 有興趣的組織 (包括社福機構及學校) 、企業及社區人士 
日期: 2022年6月至11月 
截止報名: 2022年6月10日(星期五)正午12時 




如有查詢,請聯絡張小姐 (電郵: jcicp@hku.hk ,電話︰39102462)。謝謝! 







日期︰2022年5月13日 (星期五)

時間︰14:30 – 16:30



截止報名日期:2022年5月11日 (星期三) 中午12時正




蔡海偉先生 (香港社會服務聯會行政總裁)

沈立平先生 (炮台山循道衛理中學校長)

譚沛楹小姐 (綠行俠業務發展總監)

曾偉延先生 (OneSEN創辦人)



報告撮要 (中文版)

報告撮要 (英文版)



第一場 - 「因時制宜:社福機構的培訓策略與市場需要」

日期︰2022年5月14日 (星期六)

時間︰14:30 – 16:30


嘉賓講者︰羅建華先生 Generation機構發展主管

截止報名日期:2022年5月12日 (星期四) 中午12時正


第二場 - 「創新方案:支援殘疾人士照顧者」

日期︰2022年5月27日 (星期五)

時間︰14:30 – 16:30


嘉賓講者︰葉藹樺女士 香港婦女中心協會服務督導

吳珊瑤女士 香港婦女中心協會高級教育幹事

截止報名日期:2022年5月25日 (星期三) 中午12時正


第三場 - 「締造可能:不同類別殘疾人士的互動」

日期︰2022年6月10日 (星期五)

時間︰14:30 – 16:30


嘉賓講者︰張雅琳女士 香港大學公民社會與治理研究中心 助理項目經理

截止報名日期:2022年6月8日 (星期三) 中午12時正


第四場 - 「建立合作:促進跨專業與界別協作」

日期︰2022年6月25日 (星期六)

時間︰14:30 – 16:30


嘉賓講者︰林蔚雯女士 香港理工大學康復治療科學系 臨床導師

截止報名日期:2022年6月23日 (星期四) 中午12時正


第五場 - 「集體行動:個人消費與公司採購的力量」

日期︰2022年7月4日 (星期一)

時間︰14:30 – 16:30


嘉賓講者︰何卓蕙女士 豐盛社企學會項目經理

曾美玉女士 星匠無限創辦人

截止報名日期:2022年6月29日 (星期三) 中午12時正


** 所有活動以廣東話進行 **

查詢︰電話 – 3910 2462 / WhatsApp – 9741 8872 (張小姐)




你可以利用我哋呢個一站式平台幫自己製作一個靚靚CV,入面可以放相放片,仲可以連結去你嘅個人IG/FB page





時間:下午3:00 – 4:30



時間:下午3:00 – 4:30



查詢︰☎️電話 – 3910 2462 / 📧電郵 – jcicp@hku.hk (張小姐)


Project Funder
  • The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust
Website Planner and Organizer
  • CareER Association
  • 香港大學
  • 協康會
  • SAHK 香港耀能協會
  • 聖雅各福群會

© 2023 Jockey Club Collaborative Project for Inclusive Employment. All Rights Reserved.