Project Objective
To co-create a standardized employment-related functional abilities assessment tool for people with disabilities (PWDs) with employers, NGOs, PWDs, and their carers
To train NGO social workers to use the assessment tool
Professionals that provide employment-related support to PWDs (e.g., social workers, occupational therapists, speech therapists, and clinical psychologists)
Employers in business, corporates, and social enterprises
PWDs from employment support services and their carers
To co-create a standardized employment assessment tool with a diverse range of stakeholders
To identify PWDs strengths and interests and assist them in transition from training to work
To foster PWD employability and job retention through careful planning and assessment
Rm1107, 11/F, The Jockey Club Tower, The Centennial Campus, The University of Hong Kong, Pokfulam, Hong Kong
© 2025 Jockey Club Collaborative Project for Inclusive Employment. All Rights Reserved.