賽馬會共融 ‧ 知行計劃

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賽馬會共融 ‧ 知行計劃

Project Objective

Provide career planning services that enable students to explore future pathways and prepare for participation in arts-related careers Provide career planning services that enable students to explore future pathways and prepare for participation in arts-related careers

Enhance employability in the arts by offering diverse learning opportunities and industry internships

Encourage stakeholders to embrace the concept of inclusion, fostering a support network among SMEs, micro-enterprises, caregivers, and persons with disabilities to collaboratively pursue career aspirations

Secure a place for inclusive, diverse employment in the arts industry, ensuring PWDs have access to sustainable job opportunities

Service Target

    People with mild to moderate grade intellectual disability in the community or at school

    People with mild to moderate grade intellectual disability in the community or at school

    Employers/ corporate partners/ SMEs/ micro-enterprises/ Freelancer/ Slashie

    Employers/ corporate partners/ SMEs/ micro-enterprises/ Freelancer/ Slashie

    Parents/ Caregivers

    Parents/ Caregivers



Our Key Tasks

Focusing on the personal strengths and career aspirations of PWDs, we conduct foundational and specialized art workshops, along with community-based arts and wellness activities that connect caregivers to explore career possibilities together.

We provide center-based and diverse internship opportunities, allowing PWDs to develop the knowledge and skills needed to explore their careers in the arts.

By collaborating with partners from various sectors, we organize information days, orientation workshops, and career counseling through vocational rehabilitation services to ensure ongoing support.

We host arts programs and open a new “OPEN JAM SAPCE” in Wan Chai, to foster collaboration and mutual inspiration.


5398 7997/ 2596 2703


8/F,100 Kennedy Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong


2596 2703 (Rehabilitation Services Jockey Club Artspiration Academy)

Funded by
  • The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust
Partner Institutions
  • Centre for Civil Society and Governance, HKU
  • Department of Pharmacology and Pharmacy, The University of Hong Kong
  • Department of Social Work & Social Administration, HKU
  • Ebenezer School & Home for the Visually Impaired
  • The Education University of Hong Kong
  • Heep Hong Society
  • Hong Kong PHAB Association
  • New Life Psychiatric Rehabilitation Association
  • SAHK
  • St. James' Settlement

© 2025 Jockey Club Collaborative Project for Inclusive Employment. All Rights Reserved.