Project Objective
To facilitate PwDs to strengthen their self-awareness in their career paths
To encourage employers to recognize the employment capabilities of PwDs and reinforce the concept of inclusive employment in society
To empower PwDs to develop their skills by providing specialized training and guidance
To establish PHAB Hub to allow the characteristics of PwDs transit into advantages for their startup
Persons with special educational needs and/ or disabilities who need the service (including PHAB Hub or employment)
Secondary school students with special educational needs and/ or disabilities from both mainstreaming and special schools
Employers and staff of companies employing as well as ready for employing the target users
To facilitate the career development of persons with disabilities (students and school leavers) by offering career assessment, training workshops, job placement services and occupation opportunities
To promote employers to raise their readiness of hiring PwDs and reinforce the concept of inclusive employment in society
To promote inclusion and shared space, PHAB HUB encourages people with disabilities to develop their interests, potential and confidence through learning, enabling them to expand their social networks and explore different areas to build on their strengths
© 2025 Jockey Club Collaborative Project for Inclusive Employment. All Rights Reserved.